People coming together to create community
About Grove Gatherings
Create Your Own Space. Grove Gatherings are based on the ConFest model, there is no structure or entertainment – it is open to everyone to create it. Our motto is ‘create the space you want to play in’. Everyone has a skill, life experience and something valuable to share. Place your workshop on the chalk board.
The space and gathering works with the participation of all, contributing in their own way. A space that fosters an environment where everyone feels free to be themselves, one that is inclusive and respectful. Everyone is different and it is this difference of ideas and identity that leads to a thriving community of individuals coming together.
All Welcome. If you have been to a Grove Gathering, welcome new people who are discovering the Grove for the first time. They may be new to camping they may feel awkward and tired after a long drive. Introduce yourself and others, introduce the Grove and explaining how the space works physically and as a community. Reflect to your first time at a gathering and share what may have helped you feel comfortable and helped you to connect with the space and others.
Sharing Circles. These are where people come together in a large circle to introduce themselves and connect.
Food. Bring all the food you will need as there is none for purchase on the property. Bring vegetarian food for sharing. Keep your personal supplies at your tent – bring a cooler if required. Any items that you are contributing to shared meals, place in the kitchen area. There is a large cooler for veggies, a smaller one for dairy and a large metal box for non-perishable items. Everything in the kitchen area is considered as contributed to share.
Meals. People prepare and share a communal meal together around the centre fire. The ingredients used are those people have contributed to the kitchen area. There is no structure how meals are created. Often someone may announce that they would like to create a meal, others usually would then volunteer to collaborate. Everyone has different skills. One person may take on head chef coordinating flavours and quantities, others may
chop and prepare the ingredients, someone else may prepare and take care the fire or wash the dishes.
Clothing Optional Space. Grove Gatherings are a clothing optional space, this usually equates to people swimming without bathers. The Grove is not a nudist or naturist campsite. Be discreet, considerate and respectful of others always.
Social Change. The Grove encourages the cross pollinating of ideas, skills and knowledge collectively though grass roots community.
It is thought positive social change that we transform culture and institutions for the improvement of individuals, society and community. It is about identifying and seeking to address structural and social disadvantage, discrimination, and inequality. Social movements create change when people act collectively with a shared purpose. Be the change you want to see in the world.
The Chalk Board. Plan ahead or make it spontaneous, the chalk board is where you can set a time and place to come together. At the Grove there is the ballroom/stage, marque or any other spot of your choice. Share, collaborate and connect and with others though discussions, games, meditation, bush walk, swim or any activity that inspires you. Take the nuggets of wisdom and sense of connection with you, share and inspire your local communities. Create a society and world you want to play in.